Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude/Art Every Day Month - Day 2

Today was hard. It was one of those days where any calamity that could go wrong just kept coming. What made it turn around was this quote from Tessa's blog:

That's a whole lotta seconds, isn't it? Although I hadn't gotten through all of them I knew I hadn't taken any of them up to the point where I was in my day to thank Him for anything. So I went about changing my attitude for the day. These are the things that really resonated with me today:

I'm grateful for having time during my day to sit and be alone with God. After I read this quote that's just what I did. I have a teen and a pre-teen and what they're faced with daily is unbelievable. I'm grateful they know Him and that He watches over them. The fact He has entrusted their care to me in amazing and I'm ever grateful and know I need to be doing more to help them know Him better. I'm grateful to have a husband that knew and loved God long before I did and still does today. He is an honorable, loving, kind, gentle man - perfectly designed for me. Wow. I feel so blessed to be with him.

I struggle a lot with inner issues and people pleasing. I'm grateful God has brought this clearly to the forefront of my life at this point right now. It is something I can no longer ignore because its destroying the person I could and want to be. I'm grateful for other brave women like, Virginia, that have realized this about themselves, been brave enough to share it, and do something about it. Check out this post to see what I'm talking about. The book she refers to is getting ordered from Amazon by me today.

Finally, I'm grateful for friends that 'get' me. I don't have many women I'd call true friends. I've had lots that could be considered acquaintances and even pals, but my true friends can be counted on one hand. They are the ones I know for sure in my gut I can trust with anything. I had the chance to talk for some time with one of those friends today and I'm grateful for that.

With an attitude change, the calamities of my day didn't stop coming, but they certainly were easier to take in stride.

Art Every Day stuff

I've been wanting to take some time to get some pictures of stuff around or house whether it be animals, buildings, or some of the fall colors - but it just wasn't happening. I decided today was the day, grabbed a dog and my phone, and off we went. Sadly, it started raining (ooo, was that cold!) and we had to head back sooner than I'd hoped for. I did get some pictures of some cows I'd been wanting to capture, so playing with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone was my art for today. These 2 are my fav of what I took:

I love the one cow looking at me in this picture. I had been there for a bit with my dog and I think it finally wondered what in the world I was doing. I was the clarity of the cows was a bit better, but I still really like it.

I love the grainy, vintage look this one came out with.

I haven't decided if I'm going to scrap these photos, use them in my AJ, or both yet - super happy I have them now though. YAY for art every day!

Are you participating in either of these projects? If so, do tell. If not you should check them out. There is a TON of blogs and inspiration to be found at Creative Every Day, along with Leah's personal posts there, and the posts Tessa has done at Precocious Paper are really wonderful and heart warming.

Have good nights and see you tomorrow!

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Thanks for sweet words - they mean so much to me!!